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Sofmed Breathables 1-Day Toric (Same as Clariti 1-Day Toric)

Store Brand
Sofmed Breathables 1-Day Toric (Same as Clariti 1-Day Toric)

Store brands are private label versions of national brands, they're the same lens with different packaging. We send you the national brand and save you money in the process.

National Brand
Sofmed Breathables 1-Day Toric (Same as Clariti 1-Day Toric)
Same Manufacturer.
Same Contacts.
Different Packaging.
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Reg: $42.64

Lowest price per box after rebate
$67.38 /box with taxes & fees
Great! You're saving $180 on 8 boxes.
2 Boxes
2 Boxes

More about Sofmed Breathables 1-Day Toric (Same as Clariti 1-Day Toric)

Sofmed Breathables 1-Day Toric (Same as Clariti 1-Day Toric) Details & Parameters

Manufacturer: CooperVision
Lens type: Daily Disposable
Each box contains: 30 lenses, a 1-month supply
Water Content: 56%
Availability: In stock
Cost per day: $1.10
Customer rating: 10.0/10
% Lens Material: 44% somofilcon A
Diameters: 14.3 mm
Base curves: 8.6 mm
Sphere powers: -9.00D, -8.50D, -8.00D, -7.50D, -7.00D, -6.50D, -6.00D, -5.75D, -5.50D, -5.25D, -5.00D, -4.75D, -4.50D, -4.25D, -4.00D, -3.75D, -3.50D, -3.25D, -3.00D, -2.75D, -2.50D, -2.25D, -2.00D, -1.75D, -1.50D, -1.25D, -1.00D, -0.75D, -0.50D, -0.25D, +0.00D, +0.25D, +0.50D, +0.75D, +1.00D, +1.25D, +1.50D, +1.75D, +2.00D, +2.25D, +2.50D, +2.75D, +3.00D, +3.25D, +3.50D, +3.75D, +4.00D
Cylinder: -0.75, -1.25, -1.75, -2.25
Axis: 10, 20, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 160, 170, 180

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