Johnson & johnson Contact Lenses
At 1-800-Get-Lens, we're dedicated to providing our customers with brand name contact lenses at affordable prices. Purchase today and enjoy the same discounted pricing our customers have been enjoying since 1995.
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At 1-800-Get-Lens, we're dedicated to providing our customers with brand name contact lenses at affordable prices. Purchase today and enjoy the same discounted pricing our customers have been enjoying since 1995.
Johnson & Johnsons innovations in optical products have earned them an esteemed seat at the highest level of eye-care advancements. With their Acuvue soft lenses, distributed in over 70 countries worldwide, Johnson & Johnsons commitment is to the health of your eyes and the comfort of the visions you behold.
Johnson & Johnson is an American manufacturer of pharmaceuticals, consumer packaged goods, and medical equipment. It was established in 1887 by Robert Wood Johnson, James Wood Johnson, and Edward Mead Johnson.
Acuvue and Vistakon are brands of contact lenses manufactured by Johnson & Johnson under license from Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Inc.
Johnson & Johnsons Acuvue brand of contacts is available for anyone with nearsightedness or farsightedness, astigmatism, or presbyopia. You can choose from a variety of replacement schedules, including daily, weekly, and monthly replacements.
Yes, Johnson & Johnson contact lenses are made with innovative features, including Hydraclear Plus Technology, LACREON Technology, and HydraLuxe Technology.