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Biomedics Reviews
Frequently Asked Questions
Who makes Biomedics contacts?
CooperVision, the third-largest global soft contact lens manufacturer, makes Biomedics contact lenses.
Who can wear Biomedics contacts?
Biomedics' range of contact lenses may be the best option for people searching for aspheric, toric, or lenses that resist dryness.
Can I sleep with Biomedics contacts in?
Biomedics contacts that are approved for extended wear include Biomedics 38, Biomedics Toric, etc. We strongly suggest consulting your ECP first before sleeping with contact lenses.
What are the different types of Biomedics contacts?
Biomedics come in daily disposable and bi-weekly disposable contact lenses.
Can I shower with Biomedics contacts?
No, do not take a shower while wearing your Biomedics contacts. This applies to all contact lenses.