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Monthly Disposable Reviews
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it better to wear daily contacts or monthly?
Monthly disposable lenses can be a more convenient option for those who switch between contact lenses and glasses. Unlike daily disposable lenses, you can remove, clean, and reinsert your monthly contacts for up to 30 days-making them a more affordable option.
Do monthly contacts wear out?
Monthly contact lenses can be worn for a full month until they need to be replaced with fresh lenses. Be sure to check the expiration date on the box.
Are monthly contact lenses safe?
Minimize this risk of eye infection by properly removing and disinfecting your monthly lenses with clean hands.
How long do monthly contacts actually last?
Monthly disposable lenses will last up to 30 days as long as they are properly cleaned after every use.
What happens if I don't wear my monthly contacts everyday?
Follow the replacement plan even if you don't wear your contacts every day. No matter how often you wear or don't use the lenses, they degrade as soon as you remove them from the sterile packaging.