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1-2 Week Disposable Reviews
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you wear contacts seven days a week?
The amount of time you can wear contact lenses in a single-use depends on the type of contacts you have (daily or extended wear) and if you have any vision health issues, such as dry eyes or sensitivity. It would be best if you had a schedule that allows you to take out the contacts and let your eyes rest for your eyes to receive enough oxygen. Please refer to your eye care professional for a prescription on how long you can safely wear your contacts daily. In general, contacts approved for overnight wear and where your ECP has ok'd you to do so can be worn for 6 consecutive nights and 7 days.
How long can I wear 2 week contact lenses?
Bi-weekly contact lenses are meant to be worn daily for up to two weeks until you need to replace them with a fresh pair of lenses.
What are 2 week lenses?
2-week lenses or bi-weekly lenses are contacts that you wear daily for two weeks. Acuvue Oasys, Avaira Vitality, and Biomedics 55 Premier Asphere are examples of bi-weekly lenses.
What happens if you wear 2 week contacts for a month?
You will increase the chance of infection, irritation, and inflammation as the transmission of oxygen through the lens to the eye drops to an unhealthy level.
How do I take care of 2 week contacts?
With clean hands, remove your bi-weekly contacts each night and clean them with solution. Avoid exposing your lenses to water.